Introduction to IntrepidBird's Blogging Journey

Welcome to my first blog post! I am very happy and excited to start this new journey of sharing my experiences and thoughts on the internet through this blog! I will primarily utilize this blog to share my experiences, thoughts, and accomplishments.

Before I talk more about starting a blog, allow me to briefly introduce myself. I am Alex Sheng, aka IntrepidBird, and I enjoy math, science, and coding, amongst other things. You probably know me from STEM, or my main sport, which is ice hockey. You can learn more about me in my about me.

Starting a blog has been a goal of mine ever since learning web development a couple of months ago. I created this blog for two reasons. The first reason was to test my HTML and CSS skills. I work mainly on the front-end with my hackathon team, so I personally like to challenge myself, and this blog and website are a perfect way to do so! I also like to share my opinions about math and STEM in multiple ways, and I found out that my AoPS blog just wasn't enough (although I still actively post on it).

In this blog, I will mainly be talking about my major and minor experiences with math, science, computer science, life, and sometimes even just random things that somehow have meaning to me.

I will try my best to frequently update my blog with new information, and I hope to add new features over time. Cheers!